Riverside Junior High's

Wish List Project

In an effort to help our teachers and support staff get the materials and supplies that they need and want for their students and their classrooms, the RJH PTO is spearheading The Wish List Project. 

Wishers: Create a Wish ListWish Grantors: Find a Wish List

The Project

Wish List Project Mission & Vision

It seems that parents don’t often know what is needed or wanted in our student’s classrooms. And although sometimes we get a “wish list” in weekly newsletters, we often forget to add items to our shopping list so we forget to pick-up items when we are out and about, or fear that all items may have been purchased already, so we don’t take the initiative. This oftentimes leads to classrooms not receiving necessary supplies for projects and daily classroom life. 

The Wish List Project seeks to change that by making it easy to find an up-to-date classroom wish list anytime you are online. 



Teachers (i.e. Wishers): You create and maintain a Wish List on Amazon under your own Amazon account. Add any and all items you need and want for your classroom, for projects, for rewards, for daily use, or even for a one-time celebration. Your List will be made available to parents and friends of the classroom on this page. Don’t worry, all your account information will remain private. All the public will see is the list of items on your wish list, your name, and your city. When they purchase items, they will be shipped directly to school!

Wish Grantors...

Grantors (i.e. parents, friends of the classroom, generous strangers): You find the Wish List of the teacher or staff member for whom you would like to grant a wish below, click the button and sail over to Amazon.com where you can add wish list items to your cart, purchase, and have items delivered directly to the wishing teacher. You can even print a list if you prefer to shop locally!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill

Wish Grantors

Parents and Friends of the Classroom

Please select the teacher or staff member who’s wish you’d like to grant below. Feel free to bookmark the URL in your browser or even share with family and neighbors! By clicking the link, you will be taken to that individual’s classroom wishlist on Amazon.

If your child’s teacher is not listed below, they have not yet submitted a list. Please encourage them to do so! 

Kelsey Acker

Anna Ballenger

Carrie Bergeson

Susan Blanch

Gretchen Bishop

Sabrina Boram

Abigail Brevard

Gregory Cooke

Autumn Craft

Amber Eklund

Nicholas Fishback

Teri Folta

Christiana Gilmore

Erin Gray

Krista Harrison

Leslie Johnson ENL Teacher

Alex King

Stephanie King

Johanna Kitchell

Matt Lane

Deb Lorenz

Hannah Luperini

Angela Mott

Laurren (Ren) Myers

Julie Opal

Kylee Powell

Maggie Price

Mary Schroeder

Jordan Teeple

RJH Life Skills

FAQ’s for Wish Grantors

Do I HAVE to Purchase Through Amazon?

Absolutely not! The Amazon Wish List infrastructure just makes it easy for you to purchase, and easy for teachers to manage lists, but you are by no means required to purchase through Amazon.

Can I Print a List?

Yes! On the list page, you will see a link that says “More” on the right hand side of the screen. If you hover over this with your mouse, you will see an option to print pop-up. You can also mark items you have purchased elsewhere so teachers know those items are on their way to the classroom. 

What about Priority and Quantities?

Teachers can set the number of items they need (e.g. 6 boxes of pencils) and they can let wish granters know whether or not an item is high priority or low (or somewhere in between). You do NOT need to buy all 6 boxes of pencils if that is the number they have requested. Any and all gifts are appreciated! 

Can I Share a Teacher's Wish List?

Sure! Simply direct family and friends to this webpage (fisherspto.com/wish-list) or copy the amazon wish list url from your browser and email or text it.

I've Got Questions - Help!

No Problem! Use the form below to submit any questions, concerns, or ideas about how to improve The Wish List Project. We will respond as soon as possible. 

Wish Grantors: Please use the form below to contact us with any questions or concerns about The Wish List Project

Please allow upto 48 hours for a response


Teachers and Staff

Please view the short videos below to learn how to create and modify a public Amazon wish list that will allow users to purchase items and ship them directly to you at RJH!  

FAQ’s for Wishers

Why Create a Wishlist?

An Amazon wishlist is an easy way for teachers and staff to let parents and friends of the classroom know what items are needed and wanted thoughout the year. 

Can I Update It?

Yes! It is easy to update your list as your needs and wants change. Simply search Amazon for an item and add it to your wish list at any time (rather than adding it to your cart). If you no longer need an item, simply go to your wish list, find the item you no longer need, and click the “delete” button.

What about Priority and Quantities?

You can easily change the quantities you need, as well as the priority of items needed (e.g. high priority items vs low), or even add a comment to help clarify the need (e.g. “color doesn’t matter”, “we need small size only”, etc.). Simply go to your list, and click the “edit comment, quantity, & priority” link beneath the “add to cart” button and update quantities, priority, and comments. 

How Do I Share My List?

Go to your list, click the “Invite” button and click “copy link”. You can then past the URL to your newsletter, add it to your email signature, AND be sure to add it to the form below so we can add it to the PTO website. Alternatively, you can email it directly to anyone by clicking “invite by email”.

Items are not Removed from my List when Purchased

You can update the list settings by clicking the “More” link located to the right of the list title and then clicking “Manage List”. Checking the “Keep purchased items on list” option, will keep them on your list, and it will show when the item was last purchased instead of removing it all together. Alternatively, uncheck the box, and items will be removed from the list once they are purchased. 

I've Got Questions - Help!

No Problem! Use the form below to submit any questions, concerns, or ideas about how to improve The Wish List Project. You do not need an Amazon Wish List URL to submit the form. 

Wishers: Submit your Amazon Wish List URL in the form below

Please allow upto 48 hours for your list to be published on the PTO website